Social protection rights

The national solidarity system in France is essentially structured around three complementary areas of intervention:

Social security, composed of 5 main branches and is based on the acquisition of rights by its members:

  • the family branch, managed by Allocations Familiales;
  • the health branch, managed by Assurance Maladie;
  • the occupational accident and illness branch, also managed by Assurance Maladie;
  • the pensions branch, managed by Assurance Retraite;
  • the collections branch, managed by URSSAF.

Social assistance concerns all benefits whose eligibility is determined by law for all residents.

In this context, the Code of Social Action and Families (CASF) distinguishes between:

  • social assistance for the elderly and disabled;
  • social assistance for families, housing, and social reintegration;
  • state medical aid (AME);
  • child welfare (ASE).

Social action is defined by the law of 2 January 2002 (Article L 116-1 of the Code of Social Action and Families) and is the responsibility of public institutions, associations, or private bodies.
It ‘aims to promote (…) the autonomy and protection of individuals, social cohesion, the exercise of citizenship, to prevent exclusion and to correct its effects’ and mainly benefits:

  • people with disabilities;
  • the elderly;
  • as well as vulnerable individuals and families, in situations of precariousness or poverty.

These benefits mainly take the form of cash or in-kind benefits, direct or indirect assistance.

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